
YIELCO Invest­ments AG
Prom­e­nade­platz 12
80333 Munich
Commercial register: HRB 221969
Register court: Munich Local Court (Amts­gericht München)

Repre­sented by:

Uwe Fleis­chhauer, Dr Armin Otterbach, María Sanz García, Dr Matthias Unser

Chairman of the Super­visory Board:

Dr. Peter Laib


Phone: +49 89 2323 9297 0


Sales tax iden­ti­fi­cation number according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE277113487

Editorial respon­si­bility

Uwe Fleis­chhauer, Dr Armin Otterbach, María Sanz García, Dr Matthias Unser
YIELCO Invest­ments AG
Prom­e­nade­platz 12
80333 Munich

YIELCO Invest­ments AG is autho­rised to provide investment brokerage and investment advice in accor­dance with Section 15 of the German Secu­rities Insti­tu­tions Act (WpIG). Address: Federal Financial Super­visory Authority, Marie-Curie-Straße 24–28, 60439 Frankfurt am Main. YIELCO Invest­ments AG objects to the use of contact data published in the context of the imprint oblig­ation to send unso­licited adver­tising and infor­mation material and reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unso­licited sending of adver­tising infor­mation, such as spam e‑mails.

YIELCO Invest­ments AG has care­fully checked the content of this website, but assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness and time­liness of the infor­mation provided. The content of external websites that can be reached via hyper­links from this website, or which refer to them, is third-party content over which YIELCO Invest­ments AG has no influence and for which YIELCO Invest­ments AG accepts no liability.

Branch office Spain:
YIELCO Invest­ments AG, Sucursal en España
Calle Lagasca, 24, E‑28001 Madrid. España.
Regis­tered with the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores under number 165
Phone number: +34 91 670 10 93

Tech­nical imple­men­tation website

Besser mit Butter //

Image credits

Drew Beamer: drew-beamer-Vc1pJfvoQvY-unsplash
Jon Tyson: jon-tyson-XzUM­B­N­mQro0-unsplash
Ian Schneider: ian-schneider-TamM­br4okv4-unsplash
Glen Carrie: glen-carrie-j7wPF­­NAXdio-unsplash
Jon Tyson: jon-tyson-QL0FAx­aq2z0-unsplash
Casey Horn: casey-horner-4rDCa5hBlCs-unsplash
Daniel Funes: daniel-funes-fuentes-TyLw3IQALMs-unsplash
Aaron Burd: aaron-burden-Kp9z6zcUfGw-unsplash
DaYsO: dayso-heJkp­nyPjwM-unsplash

Maik Kern:
Bernhard Huber: