Private Markets


Invest respon­sibly

Respon­sible investment is now more important than ever: an econom­i­cally effi­cient, sustainable global financial system will reward long-term, respon­sible invest­ments while simul­ta­ne­ously bene­fiting the envi­ronment and society.

At YIELCO, we are aware of this respon­si­bility. We develop inno­v­ative solu­tions and strategies that promote sustainable growth while minimising envi­ron­mental and social risks. Our goal is to create long-term value for our customers while having a positive impact on the world around us.

Our mission statement

The consid­er­ation of sustainable investment criteria in the selection of target funds and co-invest­­ments, as well as in investment analysis and capital investment, is an integral part of our corporate philosophy.

In order to invest respon­sibly, YIELCO is guided by the following prin­ciples:

  • Inte­gration of sustain­a­bility-related infor­mation into the investment process through the systematic consid­er­ation of ESG criteria in both the selection and review process
  • Commitment to promote and drive the imple­men­tation of ESG stan­dards and best practice approaches among target fund managers and their port­folio companies to improve their ESG perfor­mance
  • Trans­parency towards stake­holders in the form of commu­ni­cation and reporting on corporate and investment activ­ities

ESG perfor­mance of the YIELCO port­folio

Source: YIELCO ESG Report 2023

Disclosure oblig­a­tions

According to Art. 3, 4 & 5 of the SFDR

Sustain­ability-related disclosure oblig­a­tions

In the context of holistic sustain­ability management, we use various methods to take sustain­ability criteria into account. If you would like more infor­mation on our sustain­ability strategy, our approach to respon­sible investment or our exclusion criteria, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Infor­mation in accor­dance with the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regu­lation (SFDR) on our approach to sustain­ability risks and the consid­er­ation of adverse sustain­ability impacts:


Prin­ciples for Respon­sible Investment (PRI)

Since 2017, we have been supporters and signa­tories of the inter­na­tional investor initiative Prin­ciples for Respon­sible Investment (PRI), initiated by the United Nations and are committed to reporting on progress and achieve­ments related to these prin­ciples. The prin­ciples provide a framework for inte­grating envi­ron­mental, social and gover­nance aspects (ESG) into the decision-making and the moni­toring of invest­ments.

The PRI is an inter­na­tional investor initiative in part­nership with the UNEP Finance Initiative and the UN Global Compact. The global network of asset managers, asset owners and service providers aims to put respon­sible investment into practice.

ESG Data Conver­gence Initiative (EDCI)

As a member of the ESG Data Conver­gence Initiative (EDCI), we welcome its plans to stan­dardise the histor­i­cally frag­mented approach to collecting and reporting ESG data. We support the goal of gener­ating a critical mass of mean­ingful, perfor­­mance-related and, above all, compa­rable ESG data.

Level 20

The non-profit organ­i­sation Level 20 was founded to inspire women to enter and succeed in private markets.

As a sponsor, we are committed to Level 20’s mission to promote a greater presence of women throughout the private markets industry. The common goal is to fill at least 20% of senior posi­tions in the industry with women — with a particular focus on increasing the number of women in investment posi­tions.

We support the five key initia­tives of Level 20 to achieve this goal:

  • Mentoring and devel­opment
  • Networking and events
  • Public rela­tions
  • Repre­sen­tation of interests
  • Research

Regardless of gender, we encourage our employees to actively partic­ipate in Level 20-led research, discussion groups and outreach events and to take part in the annual mentoring programme. Our company’s involvement in these activ­ities is led by our internal Level 20 lead partner sponsor.