Dr. Peter Laib

Chairman of the Super­visory Board

Dr. Peter Laib, Co-Head Private Equity, is Chairman of the Super­visory Board, Founding and Equity Partner bei YIELCO, and is also a member of the Investment Committee.

Previ­ously, he was managing director, member of the exec­utive committee and the investment committee at Adveq Management AG (now Schroders Capital), a global private equity fund of funds provider, for 11 years. He gained extensive expe­rience in the devel­opment and management of the company as well as in the conception and management of alter­native investment products. He was also involved in the launch and imple­men­tation of 17 private equity funds of funds. From 2005 onwards, he built up a specialized program for invest­ments in special situ­a­tions with an investment focus on complex buyouts, turn­arounds, debt-for-control and distressed debt. Until 1999, he worked for several years in strategy consulting at A.T. Kearney and held oper­a­tional posi­tions at Robert Bosch GmbH and Siemens AG.

Since 1999, he has been involved in more than 500 invest­ments (primaries, secon­daries and co-invest­ments) with capital commit­ments of over EUR 11bn as due dili­gence respon­sible or member of the investment committee. Within private equity, he has covered the entire spectrum of strategies from special situ­a­tions, small‑, mid- and large-cap buyouts and venture capital to invest­ments in private debt and infra­structure equity strategies.

He holds a degree in Business Admin­is­tration from the University of Augsburg and a Master of Arts (in Economics) from Wayne State University, Detroit. He completed his PhD in Strategic Management at LMU Munich.