Claudio Ghisu

Managing Director

Claudio Ghisu, Co-Head Infra­structure, is a Partner of YIELCO and Managing Director of YIELCO Invest­ments Switzerland AG; he is also a member of the Investment and ESG Committee.

He has been working in the private markets sector since 2004 and, from 2015 to 2020, was respon­sible as Port­folio Manager Private Equity at UBS Asset Management for, among other things, the management of the newer fund of funds products as well as several insti­tu­tional mandates. He also covered Asian invest­ments. Previ­ously, he was a partner at Diamond Asset Advisors AG, a specialized investment boutique. He started his private markets career in 2005 at Adveq Management AG (now Schroders Capital), where he held various roles.

At these orga­ni­za­tions, he has been involved in more than 100 invest­ments (primaries, secon­daries and co-invest­ments) with capital commit­ments of more than EUR 4.6bn as due dili­gence respon­sible or investment committee member. Invest­ments were made across the entire strategy spectrum within private equity and infra­structure, but also in private debt strategies.

He holds an MBA from the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Admin­is­tration at the University of Rochester, New York (USA) and a Master’s degree from the University of Bern (Switzerland). He also holds a Swiss Federal Diploma in Finance and Accounting.