Dr. Armin Otterbach

Member of the Management Board

Dr. Armin Otterbach, Co-CFO, is a member of the Management Board, Founding and Equity Partner at YIELCO; he is also a member of the Investment Committee.

Previ­ously, he worked in the finance department at the private equity fund of funds provider of Braun & Schreiber Private Equity Partners GmbH from 2007 to mid-2012. There, as CFO since 2010, he was respon­sible for investor rela­tions, fund of funds management (4 funds of funds/feeder struc­tures and managed accounts) as well as fund conception from a corporate law and tax perspective. This included funds of funds with a focus on secondary, venture and buyout invest­ments as well as an oppor­tunity fund of funds (special situ­a­tions, turn­around and distressed debt-for-control) including tax, corporate law and support with the under­lying fund subscrip­tions. Between 1999 and 2007, he worked for a medium-sized tax consul­tancy and auditing company, special­izing in auditing and advising companies, real estate companies, special funds and high net worth indi­viduals.

During his tenure, he has been oper­a­tionally respon­sible for more than 250 fund subscrip­tions, including a large number of secondary trans­ac­tions – in total more than EUR 9bin capital commit­ments.

Dr. Armin Otterbach holds a degree in business admin­is­tration and a PhD in investment tax law from the chair of the Federal Consti­tu­tional Court Judge Prof. Dr. F. Kirchhof.