Axel Veeser

Axel Veeser has held exec­utive posi­tions at the BayWa r.e. Group since 2015 and has been respon­sible for the Americas division for solar and wind energy at BayWa r.e. in Irvine, Cali­fornia since 2019. The BayWa r.e. Group manages the global renewable energy activ­ities within the BayWa Group, which has core segments in agri­culture, energy, and construction. Previ­ously, Axel Veeser held various roles in trans­action and asset management for renewable energies, including posi­tions at Hideal Partners, Babcock & Brown, and Unicredit. He holds a degree in tech­nical business admin­is­tration from the University of Stuttgart.