Dr. Ludger Vonnahme

Dr. Ludger Vonnahme has over 15 years of expe­rience in mergers & acqui­si­tions and financial services. He also held top management posi­tions for over 25 years, including at Nordsee (CFO), Roden­stock (CFO), Lufthansa (Board Appointee on Director Level), Thomas Cook (Director and Head of Controlling) and Karstadt (Deputy Head Corporate Devel­opment). Until 2017, Dr. Vonnahme was Managing Director and owner of Capital Management Partners GmbH (CMP), a leading special situ­a­tions fund manager in Germany. In addition, he is Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board of Hamburger Pensionsver­waltung, Chairman of the Advisory Board of UKM Group and Chairman of the Board of Directors of River Oppor­tunity Invest. Dr. Ludger Vonnahme is a graduate of the University of Cologne (Dr. rer. pol.), the University of Wisconsin, Madison (Master of Science in Economics) and the University of Bonn (Diplom-Volk­swirt).