
The infor­mation published on this website does not constitute an offer, advice, recom­men­dation or solic­i­tation to buy, subscribe or sell investment assets. The infor­mation does not take into account the personal circum­stances of the client. It cannot replace investment and investor-orien­­tated advice. In addition, profes­sional advice from a tax and legal advisor is always required with regard to tax or legal issues. Furthermore, the infor­mation published on this page is not a financial analysis and is not subject to the require­ments and restric­tions relating to financial analyses.

If investment funds can be subscribed to, the infor­mation provided in the sales prospec­tuses or infor­mation docu­ments, the fund reports and the key infor­mation docu­ments, which are available from YIELCO Invest­ments AG, Prom­e­nade­platz 12, 80333 Munich, Germany, are applicable.

The infor­mation published on this page is aimed exclu­sively at indi­viduals:

  • domi­ciled or resident in Germany, Austria, Luxem­bourg, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, the Nether­lands, Portugal or Slovenia; and
  • who are not domi­ciled in the United States of America (USA) and are not citizens of the USA.

A partic­i­pation in the investment funds is reserved for certain qual­ified investors (usually with special knowledge), who may be subject to different require­ments depending on the investment fund and the country of resi­dence or domicile. The infor­mation published on this page is aimed exclu­sively at profes­sional clients within the meaning of section 67(2) of the Wert­pa­pier­han­dels­gesetz (German Secu­rities Trading Act) and other people who may be autho­rised investors in the respective investment fund in accor­dance with the rules of the country in which this person is domi­ciled or resident.

This infor­mation may not be repro­duced or passed on or made available to other people.

YIELCO Invest­ments AG accepts no liability for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the infor­mation published on this site, unless it has acted will­fully or with gross negli­gence. Future changes are reserved.