Uwe Fleis­chhauer

Member of the Management Board

Uwe Fleis­chhauer, Co-Head Infra­structure, is a member of the Management Board, Founding and Equity Partner at YIELCO, and is also a member of the Investment Committee.

Since 1998 he has worked inde­pen­dently as a consultant in his consulting firm “Fleis­chhauer, Hoyer & Partner” (FHP), Private Equity Consul­tants, which was dedi­cated exclu­sively to the asset classes of private equity, infra­structure and private debt. Throughout this time, he has carried out consulting projects for numerous renowned insti­tu­tional investors. From 2007 to 2010 he advised, among others, the Bayerische Versorgungskammer (BVK) in Munich on the global selection of private equity, mezzanine and infra­structure funds. His advisory services included asset allo­cation, investment strategy, iden­ti­fi­cation of the fund universe, coor­di­nation of manager searches and RFP processes, due dili­gence, on-site visits up to a decision-ready investment recom­men­dation (board submission) and moni­toring of the invest­ments. Before becoming self-employed, Uwe Fleis­chhauer worked for a total of 7 years as a consultant/project manager in inter­na­tional management consul­tancies (Mercer Management Consulting; Arthur D. Little).

In the above-mentioned orga­ni­za­tions, he partic­i­pated in more than 250 invest­ments (primaries, secon­daries and co-invest­ments) with capital commit­ments of more than EUR 10bn as due dili­gence respon­sible or member of the investment committee. He invested in infra­structure across the entire strategy spectrum, but also in private debt and infra­structure equity strategies.

He holds a degree in business admin­is­tration and a post-graduate diploma in “European Enter­prise Management” after studies in England and Spain. He also holds the CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing.