Natalie Gnesa

Managing Director & COO

Natalie Gnesa, focus Oper­a­tions, is Managing Director and COO at YIELCO, and is also a member of the ESG Committee.

Previ­ously, she worked for 13 years at UniCredit Bank AG as a Director in various posi­tions. Her focus was on private equity invest­ments, where she was respon­sible for valu­ation, accounting, tax, reporting and struc­turing of private equity co-/direct invest­ments and for the management of the Prin­cipal Invest­ments division. In addition, she was respon­sible for struc­tured financing on the credit side in port­folio management. She held board and management mandates in subsidiaries of UniCredit Bank AG. She started her profes­sional career at EY from 2001 to 2007 as a team leader in audit and advisory.

She grad­uated from the University of Bamberg with a degree in business admin­is­tration.