Alexander Kurth

Managing Director Finance

Alexander Kurth, focus Finance, is Managing Director Finance at YIELCO.

Previ­ously, he was respon­sible for investor rela­tions at a Munich-based private equity fund of funds provider from 2010 to 2017. From 2012, he was also employed at Asset­Metrix, a financial services provider for private capital investors, where he also assumed oper­a­tional respon­si­bility for port­folio management of around 10 European port­folio clients. As Head of Operations/Authorized Signatory for both companies, he was also respon­sible for the management of more than 250 port­folio fund invest­ments with a total volume of around EUR 7bn. In the 8 years prior to this, he held management posi­tions in controlling/group controlling for companies from various indus­tries.

He holds a degree in business admin­is­tration from the University of Bayreuth.