Jürgen Zirn

Jürgen Zirn has over 30 years of management and lead­ership expe­rience in insti­tu­tional asset management. He started his career in 1990 in Asset Management at the Group Treasury of the former Daimler-Benz AG. There he was respon­sible for the secu­rities invest­ments of the group’s liquidity as well as the invest­ments of the various pension funds. In 2000, his respon­si­bil­ities included the estab­lishment of a broadly diver­sified private equity port­folio for the pension funds. In 2007, he joined the investment fund company LBBW Asset Management as Managing Director, where he was consis­tently respon­sible for client rela­tionship and insti­tu­tional sales activ­ities. In addition, he was respon­sible for risk management, IT and accounting for several years. After 13 years with LBBW Asset Management Mr. Zirn left at the end of 2020, at which time the company managed assets under management in the amount of approx­i­mately EUR 80 billion. Today he is active as a consultant and advisory board member. Mr. Zirn is a trained banker and holds a degree in business admin­is­tration (University of Bayreuth).