Ahead in Private Markets

YIELCO Invest­ments

Your access to Private Markets

Private market invest­ments have become a key component of a modern investment strategy and port­folio allo­cation for insti­tu­tional investors. Investors have a wide range of investment oppor­tu­nities at their disposal, which contribute to diver­si­fi­cation and a better risk-adjusted return in the overall port­folio. Since its foun­dation in 2011, YIELCO has specialised in investment strategies across private markets asset classes. The focus is on investment programmes and inno­v­ative solu­tions for the areas of infra­structure, private debt and private equity.

YIELCO currently manages over EUR 10 billion in aggregate capital commit­ments from more than 80 insti­tu­tional investors in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and Italy. The investor base consists of leading insurance companies, pension funds, financial service providers, family offices and foun­da­tions. YIELCO is char­ac­terised by its compre­hensive investment expertise and strong customer focus and places signif­icant impor­tance on the of interests with its investors.

YIELCO’s devel­opment

  • 2011



  • 2013


    First Private Debt and Infra­structure mandates

  • 2014


    Launch of the 1st Infra­structure fund of funds

  • 2016


    Start of Private Equity investment activ­ities

  • 2017


    UN PRI Signatory

  • 2018


    BaFin regu­lation

  • 2020


    Opening of office in Switzerland

  • 2023


    Surpassing EUR 10 bn in AuS and opening of office in Spain

Our services

Customised solu­tions

Our range of services is geared towards the indi­vidual needs of investors and covers a wide range of imple­men­tation options. The primary objective is to generate stable and predictable returns for our investors in the long term, to achieve signif­icant added value and an increase in quality in the respective investor port­folios.

Thanks to the global network we have built up over more than 20 years, we provide our investors with access to the world’s leading fund managers and their attractive trans­ac­tions via funds of funds, co-investment funds and customised mandate solu­tions. In addition, we offer our clients advisory services in connection with the review of potential invest­ments or existing private markets port­folios.

Fund of funds

Asset class: Private Equity / Private Debt / Infra­structure


  • Defined strategy and imple­men­tation in an estab­lished Luxem­bourg structure
  • Insti­tu­tional reporting


Trans­action types: Primaries / Secon­daries

Number of trans­ac­tions: approx. 12–15 funds (>150 commit­ments)


Asset class: Private Equity / Infra­structure


  • Defined strategy and imple­men­tation in an estab­lished Luxem­bourg structure
  • Insti­tu­tional reporting


Trans­action types: Co-invest­ments

Number of trans­ac­tions: approx. 12–15 commit­ments

Mandates / Advisory

Asset class: Private Equity / Private Debt / Infra­structure


  • Exten­sively person­alized service (strategy, involvement, structure, reporting, etc.)
  • Long-term part­ner­ships focused on customer needs


Trans­action types: Primaries / Secon­daries / Co-invest­ments

Why invest with YIELCO?

YIELCO differ­en­tiates itself through a highly expe­ri­enced and comple­mentary team of partners with an average of over 20 years of relevant expe­rience in the areas of infra­structure, private debt and private equity. Due to the age structure of the partners, there is no succession problem. A second gener­ation of partners and managing directors has been estab­lished and is being contin­u­ously expanded. The company shares are entirely held by its partners.

YIELCO offers its investors a broad range of services — discre­tionary funds of funds, co-investment funds, customised mandate and advisory solu­tions in all three asset classes — as well as a high degree of indi­vid­u­ality. The special­i­sation in three asset classes results in compre­hensive knowledge of the relevant markets, as all capac­ities are concen­trated on this. At the same time, YIELCO and its investors benefit from synergies between the investment segments.

YIELCO has a highly qual­ified and moti­vated team as well as well-known person­al­ities with outstanding expertise on the industry board.

YIELCO can showcase pres­ti­gious reference customers from all segments — pension schemes, insurance companies, pension funds, foun­da­tions, single and multi-family offices as well as banks and savings banks.

All partners have many years of expertise and a successful track record in the three asset classes, which guar­antees access to the best managers.

YIELCO’s partners provide person­alised and prompt support for both investors and the selected investment managers — the partners are always personally available to clients.

YIELCO is subject to super­vision by the German Federal Financial Super­visory Authority and the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Investment strategy

Differ­en­tiated investment strategies

YIELCO pursues differ­en­tiated investment strategies across private equity, infra­structure and private debt asset classes.

In all investment programmes and investment solu­tions, great attention is paid to optimize the diver­si­fi­cation across the various dimen­sions — time, number, region, manager, sector, segment, strategy.

The prereq­uisite for successful investment management is a systematic review process, which has been profes­sionally imple­mented since YIELCO was founded based on the partners’ extensive investment expe­rience. Investment candi­dates are screened in a stan­dardised, struc­tured process across all asset classes. YIELCO takes into account essential, inter­na­tionally recog­nized stan­dards and exclu­sions in all investment deci­sions.

ESG criteria

ESG is an integral part of the review and moni­toring process. A dedi­cated scoring model supports the assessment process and offers the flex­i­bility to inte­grate customer-specific criteria.

Vision and values

Create value

Our primary goal is to generate stable and predictable long-term returns for our investors. We aim to create signif­icant added value and increase the quality of investor port­folios with our investment solu­tions.

Five steps lead us to this desti­nation:

  • High congruence of interests: As part of our corporate devel­opment, we place great impor­tance on aligning the interests of our customers with our corporate goals. The inde­pen­dence of our company in investment deci­sions forms the basis for this.
  • Strong client-first mentality: Our investors and their needs are at the centre of our thoughts and actions. Our aim is to maintain long-term, part­n­ership-based rela­tion­ships with our investors. Thanks to our many years of expe­rience, we are very familiar with the high demands of insti­tu­tional investors.
  • Differ­en­tiated investment solu­tions: We offer our customers a bespoke service with clear added value. In the best interests of our investors, we have developed a wide range of inno­v­ative products and strategies that cover different needs and risk/return profiles.
  • Conti­nuity: By system­at­i­cally avoiding so-called “key person” risks, we create conti­nuity for our company. Our clients are supported across all asset classes by the senior profes­sionals at YIELCO.
  • Expertise: YIELCO partners and senior profes­sionals have a long, successful and comple­mentary track record in various private markets segments. As a company, we place great impor­tance to team stability and long-term employee loyalty and support regular and intensive dialogue between all hier­ar­chical levels. An “open door” and “hands-on” mentality char­ac­terises our collab­o­ration with each other and with our clients.

We are aware of our respon­si­bility and the impor­tance of shaping a sustainable future. The consid­er­ation of sustain­ability criteria is an integral part of our corporate philosophy and is reflected in our overall strategy and processes.