Metzler Asset Management and YIELCO Invest­ments announce coop­er­ation and launch sustainable infra­structure fund of funds

  • Multi-manager programme with explicit ESG component in accor­dance with Art. 8 of the Trans­parency Regu­lation
  • Planned launch in summer 2024 with target capi­tal­i­sation of EUR 300 million
  • Infra­structure as an attractive asset class with high investment needs, increasing demand for private capital and good return oppor­tu­nities

Frankfurt am Main, Munich, 28 May 2024 - Metzler Asset Management GmbH (“Metzler AM”), a subsidiary of Frankfurt-based Bankhaus B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG, and YIELCO Invest­ments Group (“YIELCO Invest­ments”), a specialist in private markets, have agreed on a long-term coop­er­ation and announced the launch of a globally focused infra­structure fund in Luxem­bourg this summer. The coop­er­ation combines the respective expertise and strengths of the two companies and offers investors an attractive investment oppor­tunity in sustainable infra­structure with the jointly launched investment programme.

YIELCO Invest­ments specialises in investment solu­tions in the infra­structure, private debt and private equity asset classes and has already success­fully imple­mented three gener­a­tions of infra­structure programmes — its expertise flows primarily into the selection of target funds. Metzler AM has a successful track record in the active management of investment strategies based on various liquid asset classes and will be respon­sible for the compre­hensive inte­gration of sustain­ability aspects.

The multi-manager programme with a target capi­tal­i­sation of EUR 300 million aims to achieve an attractive, long-term investment return by investing in a globally diver­sified port­folio of primary and secondary invest­ments in infra­structure target funds. A universe of around 150 under­lying infra­structure invest­ments is to be covered via at least ten fund invest­ments. The invest­ments will be broadly diver­sified across different sectors, managers and strategies. A holistic ESG inte­gration with active ESG screening will be imple­mented in the investment process, supple­mented by compre­hensive and trans­parent reporting. The fund will be clas­sified in accor­dance with Article 8 of the EU Disclosure Regu­lation.

Philip Schätzle, Managing Director and Head of Sales at Metzler AM, says: “We are delighted to be real­ising this infra­structure project together with such an expe­ri­enced and profes­sional partner. By launching the fund, we are on the one hand responding to the change in demand from our clients. On the other hand, the asset class is very important to us in the strategic asset allo­cation of our multi-asset and pension mandates. We see infra­structure as a long-term growth theme with high investment demand for private capital, not least fuelled by the European Green Deal.”

Infra­structure themes offer a broad spectrum of investment oppor­tu­nities

The infra­structure investment needs for G20 coun­tries amount to approx.. USD 100 trillion.[1] Energy supply and transport infra­structure account for the largest share (around 80 percent), but decar­bon­i­sation and digi­tal­i­sation also play an important role. Both tradi­tional oper­ating companies — e.g. wind farm oper­ators, toll roads, data centres, power grids — as well as suppliers and service providers are char­ac­terised by high growth potential. Growth is being driven by struc­tural demand, political and social necessity and the upcoming global energy tran­sition.

Uwe Fleis­chhauer, founding partner and member of the Exec­utive Board of YIELCO Invest­ments AG, explains: “Infra­structure as an asset class has expe­ri­enced an extra­or­di­narily exciting devel­opment in recent years with signif­icant growth and the asso­ciated increase in complexity and diversity. Its long-term attrac­tiveness is reflected in the fact that it is now estab­lished as an asset class among insti­tu­tional investors and is expe­ri­encing a relevant and increasing port­folio allo­cation. To date, expec­ta­tions of the asset class have been more than fulfilled. The need for investment remains extremely high and the demand for private capital will continue to increase, as only three per cent of total investment require­ments are currently covered by private capital. In the private capital market, global infra­structure offers attractive return oppor­tu­nities and inflation protection in line with ESG criteria. Together with Metzler Asset Management as a strong partner, we are now looking forward to continuing the fourth gener­ation of the YIELCO infra­structure investment programme, which will build on the strategy of the very successful ongoing investment programmes.”


About Metzler
The core of the Metzler Group is Bankhaus Metzler, the longest-standing German private bank in continuous family ownership for 350 years. Bankhaus Metzler focuses on customised capital market services for insti­tu­tions and discerning private clients. Metzler Asset Management GmbH, a subsidiary, offers investment services for insti­tu­tional clients. The topic of sustain­ability has played an important role at Metzler AM for over 20 years. The company has been a signatory to the UN Prin­ciples for Respon­sible Investment (UN PRI) since 2012 and joined the “Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative” in November 2021. Many years of expe­rience enable Metzler AM to consis­tently and contin­u­ously develop its ESG approach in line with the increasing sustain­ability require­ments of investors.

YIELCO Invest­ments is an inde­pendent global private markets investment specialist head­quar­tered in Germany with offices in Switzerland, Spain and Luxem­bourg. The group manages over 10 billion euros in capital commit­ments from insti­tu­tional investors and invests in the private debt and private equity asset classes in addition to infra­structure.

This is a marketing adver­tisement. The fund described in the commu­ni­cation is currently in pre-marketing in accor­dance with Article 30a of EU Directive 2011/61/EU of 8 June 2011 on Alter­native Investment Fund Managers and is therefore not yet open for subscrip­tions. Alter­Domus Management Company S.A. has been appointed as potential AIFM of the fund. The fund is only offered to profes­sional investors within the meaning of Annex II of Directive 2014/65/EU (MIFID II) and semi-profes­sional investors in accor­dance with Section 330 of the German Investment Code (KAGB). Invest­ments in infra­structure funds are highly illiquid and entail a high level of risk. The targeted high returns may not be achieved. The value of an investment can fall as well as rise. There is a risk of a total loss of the invested capital.

Contact for press enquiries

YIELCO Invest­ments AG
Susanne Rizzo
Phone +49 89 2323 9297–36

Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. Aktienge­sellschaft
Florian Brückner
Press Spokesman
Phone +49 69 2104–4968






[1] Source: Citi Report: Infra­structure for Growth; 2022 Update; cumu­lative total for the years 2017–2040

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