Legal notice

YIELCO Investments AG
Promenadeplatz 12
80333 München

Switchboard: +49 (0) 89.2323.9297 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 89.2323.9297 – 99

Registration court: Amtsgericht München
Registration number: HRB 221969
VAT Reg No: DE277113487

Executive Board: Uwe Fleischhauer, Dr. Armin Otterbach, María Sanz García, Dr. Matthias Unser
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Peter Laib

YIELCO Investments AG has the permission for investment brokerage and investment consulting according to § 15 WpIG (previously: § 32 KWG). As a financial services institution, YIELCO Investments AG is being supervised by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority), Marie-Curie-Straße 24-28, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Complaints can be addressed to YIELCO Investments AG at any time and informally. Complaints should contain the name and contact details of the complainant as well as the cause and purpose of the complaint. The Complaints Office usually replies within two weeks. The contact details are as follows:

YIELCO Investments AG
Complaints Office
Promenadeplatz 12
80333 Munich

Telephone: +49 (0) 89.2323.9297 – 40

In the event of disputes arising from the application of the Investment Code (Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch – KAGB) or other provisions in connection with investment brokerage or advice, consumers may, without prejudice to their right to take legal action, refer disputes to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority at BaFin:

Schlichtungsstelle bei der
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Referat ZR 3
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
D-53117 Bonn

Telephone: +49 (0) 228 / 4108-0
Fax: +49 (0) 228 / 4108-62299

YIELCO Investments AG dissents the use of contact data published in the context of the imprint obligation to send unsolicited advertising and information materials and reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited promotional information being sent, such as spam e-mails.

The content of our website has been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of any of the pages. Our website might contain links to the websites of third parties (“external links”). As the content of these websites is not under our control, we cannot assume any liability for such external content.

Responsible for the content:
Natalie Gnesa

Realisation website:
grafikbuero x – Alexandra Kuhn –

Technical implementation website:
Besser mit Butter –

Jens Heilmann