unlocking the value of



Private Equity / Private Debt / Infra­structure

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. (Mark Twain)

As a specialist for investment strategies in private markets -
infra­structure, private debt and private equity — we offer our clients a wide range of inno­v­ative products and customised solu­tions.

Our aim is to recognise the indi­vidual needs of our investors, provide suitable solu­tions and generate stable and predictable returns over the long term. Our clients are our top priority.

YIELCO was founded in 2011 and is managed by partners with extensive, long-standing expe­rience and successful oper­a­tions in the private markets and asset management sectors.

0 bn
EUR Assets under Service
Insti­tu­tional Investors
Investment Profes­sionals
Owned by the Partners

Differ­en­tiated investment strategies

YIELCO pursues differ­en­tiated investment strategies across private equity, infra­structure and private debt asset classes.

In all investment programmes and investment solu­tions, great attention is paid to optimize the diver­si­fi­cation across the various dimen­sions — time, number, region, manager, sector, segment, strategy.

Top News

Act respon­sibly — invest respon­sibly

Respon­sible investing is more important today than ever before. At YIELCO, we are aware of the respon­si­bility that comes with our role as an investor in the private markets. Our goal is to create long-term value for our clients while making a positive social and envi­ron­mental contri­bution.

However, our social commitment does not end with our investment activ­ities. We promote a culture of diversity, inclusion and equal oppor­tu­nities. Our employees are our greatest asset. By empow­ering them, we unleash the full potential of our organ­i­sation and contribute to a fairer and better society.

Customised solu­tions

Our range of services is geared towards the indi­vidual needs of investors and covers a wide range of imple­men­tation options. The primary objective is to generate stable and predictable returns for our investors in the long term, to achieve signif­icant added value and an increase in quality in the respective investor port­folios.

Thanks to the global network we have built up over more than 20 years, we provide our investors with access to the world’s leading fund managers and their attractive trans­ac­tions via funds of funds, co-investment funds and customised mandate solu­tions. In addition, we offer our clients advisory services in connection with the review of potential invest­ments or existing private markets port­folios.

Fund of funds

Asset class: Private Equity / Private Debt / Infra­structure


  • Defined strategy and imple­men­tation in an estab­lished Luxem­bourg structure
  • Insti­tu­tional reporting


Trans­action types: Primaries / Secon­daries

Number of trans­ac­tions: approx. 12–15 funds (>150 commit­ments)


Asset class: Private Equity / Infra­structure


  • Defined strategy and imple­men­tation in an estab­lished Luxem­bourg structure
  • Insti­tu­tional reporting


Trans­action types: Co-invest­ments

Number of trans­ac­tions: approx. 12–15 commit­ments

Mandates / Advisory

Asset class: Private Equity / Private Debt / Infra­structure


  • Exten­sively person­alized service (strategy, involvement, structure, reporting, etc.)
  • Long-term part­ner­ships focused on customer needs


Trans­action types: Primaries / Secon­daries / Co-invest­ments

Our Partners

Uwe Fleis­chhauer
Member of the Management Board
Claudio Ghisu
Managing Director
Börge Grauel
Managing Director
Iwan Heiz
Managing Director
Dr. Armin Otterbach
Member of the Management Board
María Sanz García
Member of the Management Board
Dr. Matthias Unser
Member of the Management Board

YIELCO’s devel­opment

  • 2011



  • 2013


    First Private Debt and Infra­structure mandates

  • 2014


    Launch of the 1st Infra­structure fund of funds

  • 2016


    Start of Private Equity investment activ­ities

  • 2017


    UN PRI Signatory

  • 2018


    BaFin regu­lation

  • 2020


    Opening of office in Switzerland

  • 2023


    Surpassing EUR 10 bn in AuS and opening of office in Spain